Chenla Children’s Healthcare is a US 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization #81-0945375 and donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
For tax deductible donations in Australia, please contact our partners at
For donations directly to our US bank account, please contact us for our account details at
For donations by check, please send to:
Chenla Children’s Healthcare
3607 Oakvista Place
Louisville, KY 40245, USA
*if donating from Singapore, please try
We are able to accept gifts of stock from donors in the US via Stock Donator.
You can now give through Benevity:
We’re excited to announce that you can now support us on Benevity, making it easier than ever to donate and create change through your workplace. If your employer participates in Benevity, consider making a gift—and if they offer matching donations, your impact could be doubled.